The Safeguarding of children is a duty shared by all members of the community.
The Ferrars Academy see this as a fundamental part of our role in working with the children in our care. It is our legal duty to assist our colleagues in Social Care with child protection enquiries. If we have cause to make a referral to another agency, parents or carers will be informed unless informing the parent or carer would put the child at risk of harm.
If you have a concern regarding a child please report this to the Designated Safeguarding Officer or in their absence a member of the Safeguarding Team.
Safeguarding Team
Miss Sarah GreenPrincipal/Safeguarding Lead
Miss Sarah Green
Mrs Sarah KellyVice Principal/Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Sarah Kelly
Miss Marie JenningsFamily Support Pastoral, and Safeguarding Lead
Miss Marie Jennings
Mrs Supriya ShresthaClass Teacher/Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Supriya Shrestha
Ms Karisha MoodieSafeguarding Governor
Ms Karisha Moodie
Online Safeguarding
Helpful Links
Please click on the links below for more information.