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Homeless Shelter Donations

Learning Leaders donations box to NOAH charity December 2020

During last half term the Learning Leaders group were involved in a project that helped a local homeless charity - The NOAH Enterprise.

The children learnt about the charity and designed posters to encourage staff to donate toiletries, hats, gloves, and other useful equipment to help homeless people in Luton. They also visited the staffrooms at lunchtime to tell the staff about what we were doing and why it is important to help the homeless, especially at this time of year.

The Learning Leaders were really pleased with the donations collected and Miss Mekota delivered the box of donations to the NOAH charity shop in Luton town centre. Dean, who volunteers in the shop, was thrilled to receive the donations. He was very grateful and said everything donated will be put to good use by the charity and will help the homeless in Luton at Christmas time. He wanted to pass on his thanks to everyone who donated items and to the Learning Leaders who helped.