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Congratulations on 25 years at Ferrars Miss Green!

What an extraordinary day it was for our very own Miss Green! On Thursday, we celebrated Miss Green working at Ferrars for a huge 25 years, yes, 25 YEARS! She began her career as a Nursery Nurse, then began her teacher training, followed by becoming the Assistant Head, Deputy Head and now Principal since 2017. This achievement is very inspiring for many of us here at Ferrars. Children helped to decorate the school by making bunting, sketching and painting versions of her from throughout the years. We held a very special assembly where some very dear past and present staff came along to join in the fun. A special treat of cakes and lemonade were delivered to each class to join in the celebrations. Thank you, Miss Green, for everything you do for the children, staff and the community. We wish you a joyful and accomplishing continued career here at The Ferrars Academy!