Wraparound Care
We are pleased to be able to offer wrap around care facilities. The Wraparound Care facility is run by members of school staff and takes place in the academy's Round Room. Our Early Birds session runs from 7:45am to start of the school day Monday-Friday. Our Night Owls runs in two sessions, session one from the end of school to 4:00pm and session two from 4:00pm-5:00pm Monday-Friday. Wraparound Care is available for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
Children will be transferred from Early Birds directly to their classrooms and to Night Owls by the teaching staff.
They have a choice each day of a variety of healthy breakfast/snack options and then a range of activities to participate in. The aim is to instil the importance of breakfast/healthy eating and promote independence skills.
If you would like to book a place then please visit ParentMail accounts section to complete and pay for your bookings. Any booking can be made up to midnight for the following day.
Below are some photographs of our clubs in action.
2021 2022 / WAC GALLERY
Being a single working Mum, the Wraparound Care provision really helps me out with not having other childcare. Aston’s Parent
Wraparound Care is amazing as it means I can go to work and provide for my family. I never have to worry about my son eating as he gets to pick a variety of food for breakfast and for a snack after school. This helps me, especially on days when he has outside clubs such as swimming - I don’t have to rush and get him something to eat. Wraparound Care is great! Ennis’ Parent
Heer enjoys being in Night Owls, and she prefers it over any nanny. She feels comfortable and safe with known faces and it is a friendly environment. I am at peace while in work. It is of great help with childcare. Heer’s Mum
Night Owls is an excellent service provided by the school. Working for the NHS means last minute meetings can crop up. The staff at Night Owls always accommodate this and are so friendly! Aadya’s Mum
After moving to the UK 3 months ago, me and my wife are employed during the day, and have found Early Birds/Night Owls to be quite helpful for our child. It has been a wonderful experience for my child and she has been able to get along with everybody quite well. As parents of Nethmi, we would like to be extremely thankful for all the great staff at the Wrap Around Care for your great service. Thank You. Nethmi’s Dad
Wraparound Care Terms and Conditions from September 2024